23 AUGUST 1924, page 13

Sex Education.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] is impossible not to admire the spirit and idealism of Miss Maude Royden's article on " Sex Education " that appeared in your issue of August......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—May I presume to ask Miss Maude Royden, whose admirable article on " Sex Education " appears in your issue of August 16th, to amplify a little for the .benefit of at least......

Reparations And British Prosperity.

• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sta,—The suggestion in your issue of August_ 9th under the above title is most valuable, but the BritiSh manufaeturer who wants to produce......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sia,—in _the Little _that

is being written in the London Press about the situation in India there is so much camouflage and ignoring of the hard facts, on both sides, that I venture to. hope you will......