When An Official' Of The Egyptian' Legation In London...
the Foreign Office to present the Egyptian protest, he was informed " in the most. explicit manner ". that the British -Government regarded themselves. as respon- sible for the......
Mr. Snowden Said In The Interview That He Disagreed With
the Conference with regard to two decisions in particular. He could not accept as satisfactory the arrangement by which, if Germany were unable to ensure from her industrialists......
The Action Of The Government In Causing The Abandon- Ment
last week of the prosecution of Mr. J. R. Campbell, the Editor of the Workers' Weekly, was almost incredibly stupid. On July 25th the Workers' Weekly published an appeal to......
The Explanation -of This Strange Incident Issued By The...
of the Communists is that the -Government " surrendered " alder severe pressure from several well-known' 'Labour Members of 'Parliament. It is also - suggested that Cabinet......
With Every Inclination To Believe In The Theory Of The
safety valve, we cannot see why the prosecution was dropped. The attempt to turn the Armyor theNa-vy into a political agency, inspired by class-consciousness and false to that......
The Egyptian Council Of Ministers Issued, Last Sunday A...
on the outbreaks in the Sudan -which we recorded 'last week. The Council demanded .that the Governor-General of the Sudan should publish a full report of . the outbreaks, their......
R Is -not Only As Regards Germany That Mr. Snowden
has'been differing from the Prime Minister. " A. P. N." tells us that during the Conference with the Soviet Delega- tion,'Mr. Snowden, with the Treasury at his back, strongly......