Another notable new acquisition is that of the Farne Islands.
In Norfolk thirty acres of woodland near West Runton, known as the " Roman Camp," have been acquired by the Trust. FUrther acquisitions this year are the ancient Norman castle at Rayleigh, and the waterfall known as Rhaiadr Du, near Dolgelly, in Merion- ethshire. As for hopes as yet uncompleted we may mention the remains, at Chedworth, of the best preserved Roman villa in England. A small amount is needed to complete this purchase. Nearly £1,000 has also still to be raised to save Cissbury Ring, near Worthing. It is to be greatly hoped that in both cases the answer to the appeals will not be too late in the day. We note with satisfaction that the Committee of the Trust is concerned with the debris-with which Box Hill is littered after Bank Holidays and Sundays. The need for inculcating the duty of " bury or burn " in regard to paper and bottles, and, perhaps worst of all, tin cans, is still imperative.
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