[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—With reference to the
cutting on above subject from the Chicago Post, sent to the Spectator of December 2nd by Mr. W. J. Stillman, the following extract from my diary may be of interest to some of your readers, showing that Madison. Wis., is not the only place where squirrels run at large in the heart of the city.—I am, Sir, &c.,
20 Queen's Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.
"Thursday, September 28th, 1899. Memphis.—We had a most interesting sight here in the open space in the heart of the city. Hundreds of grey squirrels were playing about on the grass, and up and down the trees. No one molested them ; they were as tame as possible. The city authorities have erected little wooden nests like pigeon houses in the trees, and the community by common consent protect them."