23 DECEMBER 1899, page 2

That Is All Excellent, And Will Give Us Another Fifty

thousand men in South Africa, but we wish the Government had done three things more—i.e., given the order (1) to mobilise the Navy; (2) to form a special Territorial Army at......

The Response Made By The Volunteers And Yeomanry Has Been

magnificent,—there is no other word for it. At present it is impossible to give any exact figures, but applications are pouring in from all sides, and the Volunteers may well......

The Government Met The Situation Created By The News Of

General Bailer's failure to force the passage of the Tugela in the best possible spirit. They at once determined to organise another army, and to despatch it to South Africa......

Mr. Asquith Ended By Expressing The Hope That When The

tide turned we should remember that our object was not racial ascendency, but an equitable ntodus vivendi between the two peoples. We do not ourselves think that there is the......

This Letting Of The Cat Out Of The Bag Is

not very judicious, but we are convinced that the desire to speak on equal terms with America in regard to un• appropriated places is the main cause of the demand for a great......

The Reappearance Of M. Paul Deroulede—he Had Been Dis- Abled

by lumbago—before the High Court on Wednesday led to another scene. M. Deroulede's application that M. Marcel- Hubert should be included in the trial having been opposed by the......

In The Times Of Saturday Last The Berlin Correspondent Gives

an account of a speech in favour of the Navy Bill made by the German Minister of the Interior which is not a little significant. He urged that the commercial policy of America......

On Saturday Last Mr. Asquith Made An Excellent Speech To

the Tyneside Liberal Association at Wilmington Qnay,—a speech which showed as much good sense as patriotism. He insisted, and, as we believe, quite truly, that while there were......