In Spite Of The Somewhat Alarmist Way In Which The
news was conveyed to the nation, there was not the slightest sign of panic. The one idea was to go on at all costs and carry the thing through, and if anxiety was shown, it was......
News Of The Week.
T HE week throughout the United Kingdom has been one of gloom and suffering, but not of anything that the nation has cause to be ashamed of, or which was in any sense unworthy.......
The Government Met The Situation Created By The News Of
General Bailer's failure to force the passage of the Tugela in the best possible spirit. They at once determined to organise another army, and to despatch it to South Africa......
The Following Is A Summary Of The Main Facts Connected
with our reverse in Natal. On Friday, December 15th, in the early morning, General Buller moved out of his camp at Chieveley to attempt the crossing of the Tugela River at......
Conditions Similar To Those Just Described Prevail At The...
There Lord Methuen is face to face with a large force of the enemy who are strongly entrenched, and the two armies are glaring at each other across the earthworks. To assault......
As We Write On Friday There Is Very Little To
chronicle about the military situation. As far as is yet known, there is no change in the state of things at the Tugela. General Buller is facing the Boers, and doubtless......