23 DECEMBER 1899, page 3

The French Royalists Are Showing Symptoms Of Being As...

as the Irish Nationalists. This week there has been a very pretty quarrel between the Duke of Orleans and his cousin Prince Henry, who now apparently aspires to fill the......

Louise Maseet, A Daily Governess In The North-east O'...

was sentenced to death on Monday for the murder of her illegitimate child, a boy three and e half years old. The prisoner, who had made and kept an appointment to meet a young......

The Degree Of Honorary Ll.d. Was Conferred On Mr....

in the Examination Hall of Trinity College, Dublin, on Monday. Dr. Tyrrell, the Public Orator, in introducing Mr. Chamberlain in the customary Latin speeoh, dwelt with much......

The Times Of Thursday Gives Interesting Partionlars As To...

despatch of further troops from Australia and Canada In the Legislative Assembly at Brisbane the Motion autho- rising the Government of Queensland to co-operate with the other......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Addressed A Meeting Con-...

Aberdeen Liberal Association at great length on Tuesday evening. After censuring " certain news- papers which had misled the people of this country," the speaker deprecated......

Mr. Chamberlain's Visit To Dublin Was Bitterly Resented...

extreme Nationalists, but the " intensely hot reception " prepared for him ended in fiasco. A meeting of protest organised by the Irish Transvaal Committee was very properly......

Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent. New Console (2i) Were On

Friday 98k.......