The Front!
CANADIANS TO Snow the way, Canada ! More than a hundred Fears have rolled over, Since in the old days You became part of us. Wolfe was our hero, then, He it was won you : Now......
Sir Henry Jenkyns.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I have read with great interest your account of the late Sir Henry Jenkyns in the Spectator of December 16th, and I was particularly......
The Voice 0' The Nation.
LEAVE our furrin frens tu chatter, let 'em flatter roan', an' fuss, 'Tain't their cheerin' or their sneerin' thet can help or hinder us ; Let 'em hope we're doomed tu failure,......
BRITONS.—DECEMBER 16ma, 1899. "REVERSE," " defeat," the words went round, And steeled each heart and nerved each hand. Not so success's trumpet sound Could fire the land. ELLA.......
[owing To The Great Pressure On Our Correspondence...
have been obliged to hold over several letters, —among them one from the eminent American historian, Mr. J. F. Rhodes, challenging our statement in a notice of his last book......