23 DECEMBER 1899, Page 15


LEAVE our furrin frens tu chatter, let 'em flatter roan', an' fuss, 'Tain't their cheerin' or their sneerin' thet can help or hinder us;

Let 'em hope we're doomed tu failure, let 'em say we're crushed an' cowed : P'raps they think the sun's extinguished when it's strugglin' through a cloud ?

They air hurryin' tu believe us all their hatred can desire, But the blows they fancy fatal only clinch our courage higher ;

Talkin's easier work than doin', yew may take your oath o' thet-

Boys ! git on, an' let 'em chatter—but we ain't done yet !

Air their hearts so small an' craven thet they cannot under- stan' How we're game tu take a lickin'—an' then lick the other man ?

What's their gauge fer measurin' greatn2s2, how did they achieve renown, Thet they think whene'er we stumble we must keen ^n lyin' down F Da they dream an Empire's conjured up by easy charms an' sweet ?

Ours, at least, was shaped and builded from disaster an' defeat,

An' we've made it whut it is, through all the cent'ries thet hey gone,

Not without a slip or blunder—but by still goin' on!

It is good tu git the fast blow in—but best tu hey the last ; An' they'll see us still go forrard es they've seen us in the past, Fer each loss we hey tu suffer, each defeat thet marks our way Is a clarion call to victory, an' we hear it an' obey ; In the end, we hit the bull's-eye, though it's arter many a miss ; Ef a lickin' could hey beat us, we'd hey fallen long ere this; Some may find a knock-down blow es bad es pisen in their cup, But we never stop tu taste it—no, we jest git up!

Ef our Empire is a-sbakin', it's a steady in' sort uv shake Thet'll warm our blood an' rouse us till our sleepire strength's awake ;

The storm shall break its might on us, an' when its hour is o'er, Ye'll find us standin', rock-like, rather firmer than afore; An' our furrin frens, I'm thinkin', may look wiser of they wait,

'Stead uv castin' up the total 'fore the sum is on the slate; They've hed cause tu know us better, an' it's strange thet they forget—

Boys git on, an' let 'em chatter—but we ain't done yet !