23 DECEMBER 1899, Page 22

Prisoners of the Tower of London. By Violet Brooke-Hunt. (J.

M. Dent and Co. 6s. net.)—The subject is so good and so large that all reflections, moralisings, and the like might very well have been suppressed. " What a procession of dim forms," &c., does not help us forward at all. But though Miss Brooke- Hunt is not businesslike enough, she has given ns a readable book, to which a number of good photographs give an additional attraction. William Wallace, King John of France, Henry VI., the little Princes, Oldcastle, Perkin Warbeck, Sir Thomas More, Lady Jane Grey, the Princess Elizabeth, the Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, Lord Strafford, the seven Bishops, the Jacobite Lords,—what a varied and wonderful list it is. The difficulty is in telling their story to keep to the prison, and shut out all but the absolutely necessary purview of history.