While Sewing Sandals. By Emma Rauschenbusch-Clough, Ph.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.
6s )—The sub-title interprets the title. This volume contains " Tales of a Telegu Pariah Tribe." The tribe is that of the Madigar in Southern India, a non-Aryan race, which has of late years showed a disposition to welcome Christianity that is still wanting in the higher levels of the population of Hindostan. In this book we have some of the ancient legends of the tribe, and with them the story of recent movements of thought among them. The author has a broad-minded way of looking at things. Holding an unwavering belief in the supreme blessing which the Christian faith brings to man, she does not fail to recognise the value of monotheistic movements that tend in this direction. It is highly interesting to observe in her narrative the ferment of religious thought that has been going on and is still going on, with increasing force, in India. It is only by chance that the Western world hears of these things, but they are of no slight importance.