rTo Till EDITOR OP THI SPICCTATOR."] SIR, — The letters on Prayer-book
revision which have been appearing in the Spectator raise a question of great importance. The non-episcopal Churches have already done something in the direction indicated by your correspondent " Cytnro." May I call the attention of your readers interested in this subject to the "Devotional Services" (J. M. Dent and Co.), by Dr. John Hunter, of whom the Glasgow Herald says "that since the time of the late Dr. Robert Lee, no single individual in Scotland has done more to raise the standard of devotional worship and to create an appreciation for liturgical forms of prayer" P In my judgment, it is the best book of its class. It shows in a marked degree the comprehensive scope of Christian worship, and meets, I thick, the want expressed by your corre- spondent in his letter, which appears in your issue of the 16th inst., for a service of worship which, " whilst securing a certain amount of uniformity, makes for that unity in spirit
for which we all pray."—I am, Sir, &c., F. E. V.