Dr. Arthur J. Evans Has A Most Interesting Letter On
Cretan exploration in Monday's Times. Briefly, his statement amounts to this, that instead of reaching finality as regards the Palace site of Knossos, recent explorations have......
Much Public Attention Has Been Attracted During The Week To
a Military Court of Inquiry which was opened at Chelsea Barracks on Monday to investigate complaints made by Lieutenant H. C. Woods, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards. Mr. Woods......
The Degree Of D.c.l. Was Conferred On The German Emperor
at Windsor on Friday week by a deputation from Oxford beaded by the Chancellor, Lord Curzon. In presenting the diploma the Chancellor alluded to the Emperor's friendly telegrams......
Public Interest In The Druce Case Has Been Fully Main-
tained during the week. On Monday and Tuesday Miss Robinson, a lady from New Zealand, on whose evidence special reliance is placed by the prosecution, was under examination. The......
The Port Of London Bill To Be Introduced Next Session
by Mr. Lloyd-George has been publicly advertised. It takes the form of a private Bill, apparently to give it a better chance of being passed• than it could have if it jostled......
Mr. Asquith Addressed A Large Meeting At Nuneaton On...
last. Devoting his remarks chiefly to Mr. Balfour's speech at Birmingham, Mr. Asquith observed that when Mr. Balfour rose most of his Protectionist friends must have asked......
Mr. Haldane, Speaking At The Annual Dinner Of The 4th
V.B. the Royal Fusiliers in London on Monday, made the interest- ing announcement that in future the office of Deputy- Lieutenant is to be reserved for those who have earned it......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Nov. 7th Consols (21) were on Friday 82—on Friday week 811.......