Rto Till Editor Op Thi Spicctator."] Sir, — The Letters...
revision which have been appearing in the Spectator raise a question of great importance. The non-episcopal Churches have already done something in the direction indicated by......
A Prime Minister On Constitutional Reform.
[To TEM EDITOR OR TII8 " SpicarsToR."1 SIR,—The letter under the above heading from Professor Goldwin Smith which appeared in your issue of the 16th inst. adds further testimony......
Prayer-book Revision.
[TO TUB EDITOR OP TR8 "spiscrsroal Sin,—The need of Prayer-book revision is forcibly brought home to any one who attempts to explain the book to an out- sider,—to one perhaps......
[to Tim Editor Or Till "eplictator."]
Sin,—The statement in "Cymro's " letter in your last issue that "there is amongst the Free Churches a growing disposition in favour of a set order of services framed on the......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator:1 Sir, —your...
has in his last letter (Spectator, November 16th) expressed a conviction which I, as a somewhat advanced Free Church layman, have long held in regard to the future settlement of......
[to Ti18 Editor Or Tdb Spiictator.1
Sin,—As you receive " Cymro's " suggestion (Spectator, November 16th) with so much favour, may I add a counter one, which many Churchmen, both lay and clerical, will welcome P......