23 NOVEMBER 1907, page 19

"india Impressions."

[To THE EDITOR OP TILE "SP EGTAT011.1 SIR ,—With reference to your notice of my " India Impres- sions " in the Spectator of November 16th, will you allow me to say (as your......

Missionaries And The "spectator." [to The Editor Or The "

SPECTATOR." Sin,—In the Spectator for October 26th is an appeal for copies of your paper to be sent to Church Missionary Society missionaries. We have a similar movement in the......

The " Dowser " And His Rod.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPXOTATOR." J SIR,—With reference to the artiole appearing in your issue of November 9th, we shall be obliged if you will allow us to point out that the......

The Anglican Church At Khartoum.

[To Tat EDITOR OP Tit "SPECTATOR. "] SIE, —Will you kindly assist us in our efforts to raise additional funds for the building of the Anglican church at Khartoum by inserting in......

The Passage Of Objectionable Matter Through The Post.

[To THE EDITOIt OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I trust that the publioity which you have given to this matter will lead to legislation adequate to meet the evil, which has already......

Mr. Gladstone And Gordon's Death.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "EPZOTATOR.' 1 SIR,—In your interesting review of Lady Dorothy Nevill's reminiscences in last week's Spectator the reviewer remarks that there is good......


HEIMWEH. HAVE you not heard of the land where Beauty and Love are eternal, Where from the fullness of life nothing is ever withdrawn, Save that a clear pure stream, with......

Sir Rowland Hill.

[TO THE EDITOR OP T LIB "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I always welcome adverse criticism when it is straight- forward, and therefore take in good part your reviewer's remark (Spectator,......