23 NOVEMBER 1907, page 2

A Deputation Waited On Mr. Asquith On Wednesday From The

Manchester University to protest against the proposed reduction of the grant from £12,000 to £10,000 a year. The case against reduction was put with great ability by the......

A Reuter Telegram Of November 17th Says That Mr. Smuts,

speaking at Johannesburg, declared that Cecil Rhodes and Paul Kruger were the dominating personalities in South African history. They had laid the spoor which would be followed......

The German Navy Estimates Have Been Analysed In A Series

of despatches during the week by the Berlin correspondent of the Times. The total estimated expenditure for the year 1908 is £16,966,186, or very nearly seventeen millions......

The Contest For The Nomination Of Candidates For The...

of the United States has already begun. Accord- ing to the New York correspondent of the Times, there are only two candidates with a good chance for the Presidency : Mr. Taft,......

The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Records In Wed-...

paper the severe censure which has been passed by the Pope on the well-known Abbe Lemire, a Republican Deputy in the French Chamber. A speech which the Abbe made on November 4th......

So Ended A Great Speech, Worthy Of A Great Man

and a great occasion. We will ask our readers to believe, and we feel sure they will believe, that we have laid so much stress on Lord Cromer's speech, not because it happens to......

The Port Of London Bill To Be Introduced Next Session

by Mr. Lloyd-George has been publicly advertised. It takes the form of a private Bill, apparently to give it a better chance of being passed• than it could have if it jostled......

At The Opening Of The Proceedings Of The Dinner To

Lord Cromer, and before the admirable speech made by the chair- man, Lord George Hamilton, Mr. Arthur Elliot read the following letter from the Duke of Devonshire :— " The main......