23 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 27

READABLE Novzas.—Three Speeds Forward. By Lloyd Osbourno. (Chatto and Windus.

3s. 6d.)—A series of entertaining motoring adventures told by their heroine.—The Given Proof. By Mrs. II. H. Penrose. (T. Werner Laurie. 6s.)—A story of England and Florida, ending with a painfully sensational lynching episode. —Eddy. By Riccardo Stephens. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—A very clever story of the " problem " kind, painful to read, but which, for all that, will be read.—The Inevitable Law. By F. E. Penny. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—Another "problem " story, for the law is the law of caste.—" That Little —?" By Eyre Hussey. (Longmans and Co. 6s.)—A really delightful tale. Drusilla, the "little —," is not one to bo forgotten.—A Briar Rose. By Sarah Tytler. (John Long. 6s.)—A well-written tale of modern life; the "briar rose" is a maiden of low degree.--A Nurse's Legacy. By Lillias Hamilton, M.D. (John Murray. 6s.)—A very striking picture of a work- house infirmary a quarter of a century ago. It is a pity that Dr. Hamilton should belittle the work of the Barnardo Homes.