The Royal Family by Pen and Camera. By Sarah A.
Tooloy. (Cassell and Co. 12s. net.)—Miss Tooley divides her photo- graphic illustrations into chapters chronologically. Chap. 1 takes in the years 1865-68, chap. 2 1870-72, and so forth, till we reach chap. 8, 1903-7. (There are from time to time in the earlier period certain gaps ; 1869, and 1884-85, are not represented.) It is not difficult to see an improvement in the quality of the photographs. Some of the earlier pictures are anything but pleasing. The groups, however, and the processions, Ice., are better than the portraits. Each plate is accompanied by an appropriate description giving various explanatory details. Alto- gether, we have a most interesting volume. What would wo not give to have such a record of bygone times and persons!