Sin,—In answer to "One Interested" in your last issue, I would reply, as one who has recently returned from Con- stantinople, and who has devoted some attention to the ancient MSS. there, that the library in the Old Seraglio (to which "One Interested" doubtless refers, as the only books in Yildiz are modern works, nearly all German, and all of them, I think—for during one visit to Yildiz I was not allowed much time to examine them—presentation copies) will not be open to the public till April next. A friend of the present writer, Professor Mahraud Bey, of Rumeli Hissar, has been entrusted with the work of having the volumes and MSS. catalogued and repaired, and I think that any communication addressed to him on this subject, care of Allan Ramsay, Esq., British Post Office, Constantinople, would have immediate