British Heroes.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your last number "Pro Patrial " asks for instances of heroism. Will these suit him ? Those young soldiers on board the 'Birkenhead,'......
The Advance Of Socialism.
[To TER EDITOR OF TRY " BrzarAros.") Sue—The writer who signs himself as "A Moderate Liberal" in last week's Spectator is mistaken. He is probably anything but what his name......
[to The Editor Of Thy "spectator."]
SIR,—In answer to "Pro Patriii.'s " appeal in the Spectator of October 16th, may I point out that Lieutenant Willoughby was not killed in the explosion of the magazine at Delhi......
Early Steam Navigation. Pro The Editor Op The...
claims of Ramsey to share in the credit of the early development of steam navigation, referred to by Dr. Patterson in the Spectator of the 16th inst., are well known, and have......
[to The Ed/tor Of The "spectator."] Sin, — " A Moderate...
in your issue of the 16th inst., follows Mr. Walker, of the Yorkshire " 99 " Club. He does not like the Budget, and he does not like some of the speeches made in its support,......