Carlyle ' S Fliist Love.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 you allow me to remark that, in your issue of October 9th, your reviewer does not reproduoe with any degree of exactness my discussion of the......
An Appeal To Collectors.
[To TES EDITOR OP TEE "spserivoa."3 Srn, — I am collecting materials with a view to helping the ComitS d'Initiative de Proving and the Societ6 d'Archeologie de Seine et Marne,......
The Merchant Service.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin, — In your issue of the 9th inst. your correspondent Mr. Edward Noble levels an outrageous indictment against the owners of that type of......
Slave-grown Cocoa.
[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In connexion with the visit of Mr. Joseph Burtt to the United States as a deputation from the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines ' Protection......
Contained In Myletter, " The Hungarian Crisis And The...
Slays, " which appeared in the Spectator of the 9th inst. :— "CoxviscArriow OF A PAMPHLET ON CROATIA.—The pamphlet 'Absolutism in Croatia, ' by Scotus Viator, has been seized by......