[to The Editor Op Tice "spectator."]
would suggest that "Pro Patria" might include in his list Mr. Scott-Moncrieff, who was murdered in the Soudan in 1908 (see Spectator, May 30th, 1908, p. 851).—I am, Sir, &e., B.......
[to Tee Editor Od The " Spectator.]
SIR,—With reference to the letter from "Pro Patrita " in your issue of Saturday last, may I suggest to the writer to consult at his club or any library "The Last Post" (Simpkin,......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator.")
Stu,—I think your correspondent "Pro Patria" need not be ashamed of not being able to remember names for the Bulgarian officer's Honour Roll. One reason for the difficulty is......
[to The Enrroa Or The " Spectltor.1 Sir, — Pouchet In "the
Universe" quotes Regnard ("Voyage en Lapponie," Paris, 1820, p. 202), who says :— "When it is necessary to pass some lake or river as happens at every step in Lapland, these......
A Squirrel's Ferry-boat.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SrR,—Writing on the above subject in the Spectator of the 16th inst., Mr. Harvey Dayton suggests that the story "may have filtered down from......
[to The Editor Op Tele "spectator."] Sir,—the Very...
conditions which your corre- spondent "Pro Patria " lays down, and the fact that our island has for so many generations been free from invasion and internal war, very narrowly......
[to The Editor Of Thy "spectator."]
SIR,—In answer to "Pro Patriii.'s " appeal in the Spectator of October 16th, may I point out that Lieutenant Willoughby was not killed in the explosion of the magazine at Delhi......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir, — In Answer To...
Patria's " letter in your last issue, I should like to suggest that Lieutenant Roberts's action at Colenso seems to fulfil all the requirements for his inclusion in the......
[to The Editor Op The "8rm - Taros:] Sir, —" Pro Patria's "
letter in your last issue reminds me that it is nearly ten years since the day of Caesar's Camp and Wagon Hill at Ladysmith. I have often thought that the brave action of......