The Sultan's Library.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') Sin,—In answer to "One Interested" in your last issue, I would reply, as one who has recently returned from Con- stantinople, and who has......
The Merchant Service.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin, — In your issue of the 9th inst. your correspondent Mr. Edward Noble levels an outrageous indictment against the owners of that type of......
Howitt's "sketches Of Natural History."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In the Spectator of last week "E. M. W." quotes five stanzas of a poem of William Howitt's from Mary Howitt's i‘ Sketches of Natural......
[to The Enrroa Or The " Spectltor.1 Sir, — Pouchet In "the
Universe" quotes Regnard ("Voyage en Lapponie," Paris, 1820, p. 202), who says :— "When it is necessary to pass some lake or river as happens at every step in Lapland, these......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir, — I See In Last
week's Spectator a query about the Con- stantinople libraries. Last Easter I went to Constantinople to see the manuscripts in the library of the Old Seraglio, and although I was......