Proceedings in the Lords during the week have been mainly
devoted to the Irish Land Bill, and have resolved themselves in great measure into a duel between Lord MaeDonnell and Lord Atkinson over their rival amendments. On Thursday the Development Bill was discussed in Com- mittee, and amendments were carried to secure the principle of Parliamentary control, to free the Commissioners from political pressure, and to give the Road Board power to allow grants for the maintenance of existing roads. - The Commons reassembled on Monday, and proceeded to consider the Report stage of the London Elections Bill. This measure, which proposes to constitute London a single Parliamentary borough, to abolish the dual vote, establish the principle of successive occupation, and to provide for simultaneous polling, lays itself open to attack
on the score of gm. jaaandering the London constituencies, and was vigorously criticised by Mr. Long and Sir H. Kimber, who dwelt on the unfairness of assimilating the law in London to that which prevailed in provincial towns. The Bill was ultimately read a third time.