24 DECEMBER 1836, Page 10



The fluctuations of the Consol Market have been governed by the reports which have from time to time prevailed, ot the success or failure of the negotiations which have been pending between the Directors of the Bank and the agents uf a large provincial Banking establishment, on the subject of the assistance required by the latter. The market has consequently been in a very feverish state, and has declined whenever (as has been frequently reported) the negotiations have been said to have been broken off, and revived whenever there was an appear- ance of a satisfactory termination. Up to yesterday the matter remained in doubt : it was, however, understood, that in the course of the day the Bank had conceded the requisite facilities ; but this morning it is reported that new difficulties have arisen. These are again stated to have been got over ; and the market, which was depressed in the middle of the day, had recovered its tone previous to the close of business. The last adv ices from America, although they do not bring intelligence of the reestablishment of commercial confidence, are yet of a more favourable cha- racter than those received for some time. We learn that the rate of Exchange was such as to render it profitable to remit specie to England instead of bills; and more than one shipment of sovereigns from New York to London was about to take place. Several insurances were yesterlay niade at Lloyd's on bullion from the United States. If the reflux of the precious metals thus commenced should continue, it will operate most importantly upon the monetary interests of this country. The sales of English stock have been principally confined to what are techni- cally called the Heavy Stocks,—viz. the New Three, and-a-half per Cents. and - the Three-and-a.half Reduced ; which are relatively much lower than Consols. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has been well maintained ; and to-day small (viz. 1001.) bills have been done at 20s. prem. The Foreign Market has been more steady than usual; almost all the de- . scriptions of Securities most current having been without much fluctuation. From this description, however, Spanish Stook must be excepted ; upon which the continued reports of Carlist successes have operated unfavourably. The price, which was during the early part of the week between 20 and 20i, has declined to-day to 19i. Portuguese Stock has been steady, in the absence of any intelligence of importance from Lisbon.

The Railway Share Markets are generally heavier; and some considerable transactions have occurred, at or near the present quotations.


The arrangement of all the difficulties to which we have referred in our pre- vious remarks has produced a favourable effect upon the Money Market, and the price of Consuls for Account at the commencement of business was 89h. It has since been, sellers, at 89, but has again recovered to the previous quotation. Excle.quer Bills (100/0 have been done at 19 pleat, and small (1000 are quoted at 18 20. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Foreign ltlarket ; Spanish Stock is per cent, lower than yesterday, and Portuguese Bonds are at the same quotations. Dutch Stock has improved per cent, in consequence of the rise an Consols ; tile price of the TiNo-and a- Half per Cents. being 54A and that of Five per Cents. 100;1 The Railway Shares are steady at the following quotations, with scarcely any thing doing.Eastern Cmmuriuiesh flit.. par ; London and Birmingham 68 70 prem. ; Greenwich h die. par. ; Southampton 8 7 des. ; Great Western 9 11 prem.


The afternoon has passed over without any alteration in the prices of any of the current descriptions of Stock ; and so little business has been doing as not to afford any scope for remark.

3 per Cent. Consols shut

'Danish 3 per Cents.

74 5 Ditto thr Account


Dutch 21 per Cents 54* 3 per Cent. R d educe 8711 Mexican 6 per Cents 22 New 34 per Ceut Anna shut Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cis. 444 India tuck

Ditto 3 per Cent. 28k 9 nk Stock


081 Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 46 47 Exchequer Bills 1820 prem.

Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent ..

— Belgian 5 per Cents 1001 101

Russian (1822)5 per Cent...

1084 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 83

Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent...