In Consequence Of The Petition Against The Corporation...
Trus- tees for the Norwich Charities, Master Brougham, on the 8th instant, decided that there should be two lists—the one being the Corporation or Dissenters' Trustees, who were......
At A Public Dinner Given To Mr. George Peach, By
the Reformers of Northampton to commemorate the election of that gentleman to the Mayoralty of the town, Earl Spencer, for the first time since he left office, delivered a......
A Meeting Of About 2,000 Persons Was Held At Brighton
on Tuesday, in the Town-hall, for the purpose of forming a Church-rate Abolition Society; Mr. Kemp, M.P. for Lewes, in the chair. Mr. Hume was present, and was received \with......
The Winchester Tories Gave The Marquis Of Chandos A Public
dinner eon the 16th instant, to console him for the loss of the High-Steward- ship of Winchesfer, from which office he had been removed by the Libe- ral Town-Council. From the......
At Length Malihran's Remains Have Been Conveyed From...
Laecken, near 131ussels the residence of her late father, and of her living mother, Madame Garcia. This lady went to Manchester, and, after a long negotiation with the Festival......