Partial Experiment Of Ballot-voting.
TO THE EDITOR OF TICE srECTATOH. 21st Dumber 1831.1. Sts.—Mr. HENRY' Bu LIVER has proposed a plan (that of Open Questions) by which the Whigs may still hope to itceive the......
Musical Gossip.
THE note of preparation for the coming season begins to be sounded. TheM usical Clubs have nearly all resumed their meetings, and the Con- certs will commence ere long. The......
Religious Opinions Of Sir James Mackintosh.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE sPECTAIfOrt. Ilimiugirmn,17thr December IF3a. SIR—I request your attention, and that of your readers, to the following statement. In the first edition of......
Charles Kemble's Leave-taking.
THE last of the KEMBLES took his leave of the stage yesternight. The retirement of a veteran actor is, under ordinary circumstances, an event in theatrical annals ; but in the......