The First Edition Of Last Week's Spectator Contained An...
ment which would never have been inserted with the knowledge of the Editor. It exhorted the holders of bank-notes to apply for gold, on the assurance that, in consequence of the......
It Is Stated In The Times This Morning, That Lord
LYNDHURST will leave Paris on the 15th of January; and that he has not been invited to attend the Glasgow Peel dinner.......
The Standard, To-night, With Great Pomp, Announces A...
at Birmingham, yesterday—the " most numerously attended of the year." The Standard, enlarging on the report of its Birming- ham correspondent, (which states the number at nearly......
East India Shipping.
The Windsor. from Bengal to China, in beating down the Hoogley over the Gaspar Flats, about 28th August, struck, aud immediately sunk. Crew saved. Arri%.41---At Deal, Dec. 21st,......
Letters From Athens, Dated The 21st Of November, Mention...
an insurrection had broken out in Messenia; and that the Misinotes had surprised a party of Bavarian soldiers who were drinking, and put them to death. Every thing was in......
The Reformers Are Determined To Fight In South Devon. The
great meeting at Totnes has been followed up by a general convocation of the leaders of each district, who will meet at Totnes on the 9th of January. A great dinner will also be......
The Foreign Mails Which Arrived This Morning Bring Little...
Mar- shal SOU1.T reached Paris on Wednesday ; and almost immediately received a visit from Count MONTAL1VET, by order of the King. DUP1N has been frequently to the Tuileries,......
The Post This Morning Gives A Detailed Statement Of The
progress and result of the negotiations between the Batik of England and the Northern and Central Bank ; from which it appears, that on Tuesday three weeks, the day on which the......
- , - Itmichael Shaw Stewart, M. P. For Renfrewshire,...
on Monday night. His disease was an inflammation of the spine, caused by a fall from his horse about a twelvemonth ago. The politics of Sir MICHAEL'S successor will, we hope, be......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the Consol Market have been governed by the reports which have from time to time prevailed, ot the success or failure of......