The Foreign mails which arrived this morning bring little news.
Mar- shal SOU1.T reached Paris on Wednesday ; and almost immediately received a visit from Count MONTAL1VET, by order of the King. DUP1N has been frequently to the Tuileries, and BARTHE is also spoken of as likely to take part in the new Ministerial arrangements,—for that there will be some change, is generally believed. SOULT, we sup- pose, would not have gone to Paris except on the assurance that he was really wanted. TRIERS announces that his grand attack on the Ministry will be in rekrence to their Spanish policy. A Baden Prin- cess is now talked of as a bride for the Duke of ORLEANS, who is determined to get married to somebody.
Gostrz is said to have reached Briviesca, about twenty miles north- east of Burgos ; so that he is nearly at home again.