24 DECEMBER 1836, page 2


A meeting of the Common Council was held on Saturday; when,. after some discussion, the sum of 500/. was voted out of the City revenues, for the relief of the Polish refugees,......

The Causes And Consequences Of The African Defeat Form The

staple of discussion in the journals and saloons of Paris. It is generally admitted that CLAUSAL is much in fault; the addi- tional particulars of the affair by no means tend to......

Letters From Italy State, That The King Of Sardinia,...

by the treatment his Ambassador had received at Madrid, was about to acknowledge Don CARLOS as King of Spain. Should he, we presume that little mischief would ensue. There have......

In The Court Of Chance Ty, On Wednesday, Mr. Temple

addressed Lord Cottenham in behalf of Nicholas Sankie and Humphrey Smith, members of the old Ludlow Corporation, who had refused to product certain deeds and papers, ordered by......

Expecting The Conquest Of Bilboa By The Carlist Troops, Many

adherents of the Pretender have left Munich, where they have been residing, for Spain: among them is the Princess of BEIRA. The children of Don CARLOS remain at Munich.......

Ci, Court.

Ttrx King and Queen have taken frequent rides on the Cliffs at Brighton. In the evenings, their Majesties have had small dinner- parties ; and besides a number of military......

A Reconciliation Has, Apparently, Been Effected Between...

Count KOLOWRAT ; but the truce is looked upon as hollow. The Count has supported the privileges of the Hun- garians and Bohemians, and has thus acquired much influence among......

The Proprietors Of East India Stock Held Their Quarterly...

on Wednesday. ?.Jr. Poynder moved a resolution recommending the Court of Directors to take such measures as appeared to be expedient for the suppression of idolatrous worship in......

The News From Spain Is Scanty And Contradictory. What Has

become of GOMEZ ?— we cannot tell. It is believed in Ma- drid, however, that his band has been pretty well cut up, and that a considerable portion of his booty has been retaken.......