In consequence of the petition against the Corporation list of
Trus- tees for the Norwich Charities, Master Brougham, on the 8th instant, decided that there should be two lists—the one being the Corporation or Dissenters' Trustees, who were to have the control of the general charity funds, and the others to consist of members of the Church of England, who were to manage and distribute those charities exclusively for the benefit of the Established Church. On the 9th and 10th in- stant, Mr. Blount, on the part of the Dissenters, contended before the Master against the Great Hospital in Bishopsgate Street, Norwich, the income of which is 6000/. a year, being considered a Church-of- England establishment. The Master decided that it was a charity exclusively for members of the Established Church. Mr. Blount then commenced an argument against members of the late Corporation being permitted to be upon the committees; which was adjourned to the 20th.—Nortsich Chronicle.
The greatest increase of newspaper circulation consequent upon the reduction of stamp-duty, that we have seen mentioned, is that of the Leeds Times; an able Radical jourral, conducted by Mr. Robert Nicol, the Scottish poet, which announces an increase of two handed per cent.
At a meeting of the tithe-holders, held at Bishop's Hatfield, Herts, on the 16th, for the commutation of the tithes of that parish, Lord Melbourne was elected chairman ; but the business of the meeting was postponed, in compliance with the wishes of the majority of the parishioners, until the middle of February next.