A School of Design is about to be formed at
Paisley, by the leading ninnufacturers of the town. It is to be hoped that the example shown by our sagacious Scotch neighbours will not be lost on the manufac- turers of Yorskshire and Lancashire.
Notwithstanding overtures have been made by highly-respectable parties to attempt a mediation between the "turn-out" men in the Potteries and their masters, at prescut both remain unshaken in their determination to abide by their respective " forms of agreement." The manefiteturers, strong, they say, in the sound principle and justice of their cause, have resolved " to make every sacrifice save their inte- grity." The " board of management" of the union still consider it their duty to hold out ; hundreds of the work.people both in and out of the imion, are reduced to a state of extreme privation anti suffering. The pay of the board, it is said, has been kept, by special injunction, a secret from the imblie this week.—NtafibrdAire Advertiser.
At a numerous meeting of iromnasters, held at Newport, on the :3(1 instant, it WaS imaninumely determined to maintain the pr ice of bar- iron at i(4. per ton in Wale:, and No. 1 Foundry pig-iron at CI per ton. It was ii*evil to rudie.e the make of iron one fifth : twenty to thirty furnares are to be blown out by the 1.5th itistant. In ShropAire and Stalforif hire, the deim:rii is improyikg ; and there is no doubt but the present quotations mil be 111;11001RA, and any fur- ther reduction in the prim of iron u;ii probably be prevented by the measures adopted by the trade.—rlIonnuotilLyhire Mediu.
Active steps are taking towards forming a railway from Manchester to London. One also is contemplated from Bolton to Preaton. The latter is to enable the goods of the bleacher to be conveyed with more speed than heretofore. The expense in crossing the valley of the Ribble will be enormous. An embankment of three miles long will be necessary, one mile of which will require the removal of 2,0J0,000 cubic yards; and, with the bridge over the Ribble, will cost more than 200,000/.