On Sunday. Lord — Russell, a Lieutenant in the Royal
Navy, and Captain Turner, R.N., arrived in Paris from London, each fur- nished with a Foreign Office passport. They applied to have them vise by,the police for Spain. The consequence was, not only a refu- sal, but an accusation that they were on their way to Don Carlos with despatches, and that they should be instantly placed under surveillance. After a vast deal of correspondence and intercourse with the authori- ties (Earl Granville having refused to interfere, saying that the mat- ter came not within his attributions). Lord Russell received his pass- port vise for Lisbon vid Spain. Captain Turner would not be allowed to proceed thither.—Paris Correspondent of the Times.
It is rumoured in Paris that Runjeet Sing, the famous Indian chief, a dead.
Mr. Green, three other gentlemen, and a lady, ascended from Paris in the famous Vauxhall Nassau balloon, on Monday. The weather was most unfavourable ; and at u distance of one hundred yards from the ground, the balloon was concealed from the spectators by a mist. After a short trip, it descended about a mile beyond Vitry.