The Dutchess of Braganza, widow of Don Pedro, and her
infant, are expected shortly to arrive in this country, on her way to Munich to join her mother, the Dutchess of Leuchtenberg.
The French Ambassador at Frankfort having presented himself a few nights ago with his wife at a ball given by a rich banker, all the ladies belonging to the nobility and diplomacy immediately left the room. The Ambassador, it appears, lately married the governess of his children, with whom he is said to have lived previously OD rather an intimate footing. It was thought the Ambassador would demand his recall in consequence of this insult.— Times.
The Fenice Theatre of Venice was destroyed by fire on the 12th instant.
The Dutch Consul at Havre committed suicide on Friday last, by hanging himself in his orchard. He is supposed to have been insane.
General Alaix, whose conduct in Andalusia has been subjected to so many animadversions, is stated to be a Frenchman, and to have belonged to the Guarde-dri- Corps who accompanied the Duke d'An- gotilatne into Spain in 1823. He remained in the country, and has ever since served in the Spanish array. His name was De Saint Alais.
President Jackson has been very ill ; but was getting better, when the last accounts were despatched from Washington.