THE revision of the lists of Voters in England and Wales is now very ready completed; and, after a careful reference to public and private sources of information, we can state with confidence, that the Reformers have-obtained a decided advantage over their opponents. In many boroughs, and in several counties, now mis- represented by Tories, they have established the means of suc- cess at the next election. It does not appear that they have lost the superiority they possessed last. year anywhere—not even in Middlesex, notwithstanding the vapourina of the Opposition journals. We are assured, and we believe, that the Liberals, if _united, can return any two candidates they may select for the Metropolitau county. This is the cheering result of exertion. The battle has been fought and won by the Liberals, in the Registration Courts. The boast of the Tories, that they have a majority of English Mem- bers in the House of Commons, must now be considered as groundless and harmless : their majority exists upon sufferance, and does not truly represent the registered electors of the country.