24 OCTOBER 1835, page 11

The Theatres.

COVENT GARDEN opened for the season on Monday; and the temp- tation of low prices coupled with a feeling of curiosity drew an over- flowing audience. There was actually a rush......


SATURDAY NIGHT. We understand that the vacant Blue Riband is to be conferred upon the Duke of Hamilton. The steady (?) attachment of his Grace to Liberal prin- ciples has given......

East India Shipping.

The Sir Charles Malcolm, Lyon, from London to Ceylon, has put into Brest with loss of masts, boats. &c. The Kersewell, Haswell. from Liverpool to the Cape, is discharging her......

Very Considerable Alterations Are Making In The House Of...

in order to render it more convenient for carrying on the public business. It is well known that the Peers have always entertained objections to the side-galleries ; in fact, so......

The Standard Has A Letter From A Bridgewater...

pugning the Liberal statements of the result of the West Somerset- shire registration : let us give the Tory the benefit of his asserted (but not proved) gain of 423 votes, and......

The Dublin Election Commissioners Did Not Make Their...

Court on Thursday, according to their promise, to give their decision on Mr. 111uneits's objections to the election of Mr. ARMSTRONG- as Chairman. The agents for the sitting......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCIIANOE, PRTDAT AFTERNOON. The pressure for money has been materially diminished during the last few days; but the prices of Public Securities have not improved in......

Further Notices Of The Illustrations Of The Annuals, With...

items in the department of Fine Arts, &c. are unavoidably postponed. fur want of room.......

The Continental Journals, Received This Morning, Are...

news. It is said that the American Charge d'Affaires has announced to Louis PHILIP, that the Government of the United States will not make the explanation or coneession required......

The Following Is The Official Statement Of The Average...

and assets of the Bank of England from the 28th of July to the 20th of October inclusive. Deposits 14,227,000 Bullion 6,186,000 Downing Street. October 23. Circulation......