Very Considerable Alterations Are Making In The House Of...
in order to render it more convenient for carrying on the public business. It is well known that the Peers have always entertained objections to the side-galleries ; in fact, so......
Mr. Maurice Brennan, A Tenant Of Lord Kenmare, Whom That
nobleman refused the free use of lime and stone on his estate, for voting against the Knight of Kerry at the last election for that county, lee: been elevated by the Lord......
An accident happened at the Duke of Wellington's seat at Strathfield- saye, during her Majesty's visit. About three o'clock on Thursday mornin!, it was discovered that a part of......
An Instance Occurred Last Week, In Which A Strong Armed
force was placed at the disposal of the Magistrates, by order of the Government, to protect the service of civil bill processes for the recovery of tithe. The circumstances of......