The Reformers Of Bridgewater Have Given A Public Dinner To
their Members, Colonel Tynte and Mr. Leader. Among the preliminary toasts, "Lord Melbourne and his Majesty's Ministers" was the favourite. Colonel Tynte briefly returned thanks......
About Five Hundred Tories Of Exeter And The Vicinity Dined
with their Representative, Sir William Follett, on Wednesday. Mr. E. M. Parker, Mr. Bickham Escott, Sir J. Y. Buller, and the Honour- able Charles Courtenay, were among the......
Trio Country.
The accounts of the proceedings of the Revising Barristers continue to be favourable to the Liberals : we resume our extracts from the provincial journals. The comparative......
The Result Of The Leeds Borough Registration Shows An...
of only 266 voters. The Tories maintained 807 objections, the Liberals 606. There were 59 Liberal, and 46 Tory claims allowed. At Bradford, the Reformers objected to very few......