The result of the Leeds borough registration shows an increase
of only 266 voters. The Tories maintained 807 objections, the Liberals 606. There were 59 Liberal, and 46 Tory claims allowed.
At Bradford, the Reformers objected to very few voters, and only one was struck off the register. The Tories objected to 20, of whom 15 were expunged. The Overseers objected to 6, the whole of whom were struck off.
The Blackburne Reformers have gained 22 votes on the registry.
The Reformers of Warrington feel quite confident that they will be able, at the next election, come whenever it may, to relieve Mr. Blackburne, of Hale, of the trouble of representing or misrepresenting them in the House of Commons. Mr. Entwisle, of Foxholes, M.P. for Rochdale, will also have an opportunity of retiring into private life.
The revision of the register for Maldon has ended in the signal discomfiture of the Tories : '92 persons who voted for them at the last election have been struck off the lists; which with 7 new claimants expunged, make 100 votes minus one which the Tories have lost, while the Reformers have only lost 41, namely 37 old votes, and 4 new claimants. This gives the Whigs a clear majority of 58 At the next election, says the Colchester Gazette, the Tory Corporation will be out, and the Whig Corporation in ; the consequence of which will be a gain of at least 30 to the Reformers, and a corresponding loss to the Tories. The revision has decided that this borough shall no more be represented by the Tory interest.
The registration at Lynn has been favourable to the Liberal interest. The following is the result—struck off the householders' lists, 64 Tories, 39 Reformers; struck off freemens' lists, 6 Tories, 3 Re- formers ; claims disallowed, 6 Tories, 1 Reformer. Balance in favour of Reformers, 33.—Norwich Mercury.
The [following is the result of the Merthyr- Tydvil registration. Objections by Tories, 220; sustained 15; by Reformers, 50; sustained 34; new claims established by Tories, 2; by Reformers 28. In Aber- dare parish, the Tories struck off 5 votes; the Liberals, 35. In Vaynor parish, the Liberals struck off 31 votes ; the Tories, none.
The Liberal party in Shrewsbury have ,succeeded in registering up- wards of 100 voters more than the Tories.
The Clive and Charlton party has been worsted tit Ludlow—the net gain of Mr. Romilly's supporters being 33, as a set off against the majority of 5 by which Lechmere Charlton gained his election last year.
At Devizes, the number objected to by the Conservatives is 33; of which 21 have been struck off the register ; by the Reformers 15 were objected to, and 8 expunged.
The Canterbury Tories struck off 173, and the Liberals 143 ; the Reformers retained 115, and the Tories 66 ; consequently the Tories have a majority of 30 by the names struck off, but a minority of 49 by the votes retained.
The Reformers of Maidstone have struck off 42 Tories, whilst the Tories have only expunged 10 Reformers.
At Halifax, the Reformers have obtained an increase of votes to the amount of 455, while the Tories have only an accession of 85. In the townships, there are 68 votes returned as doubtful ; and if the whole of these were thrown into the Tory scale, the Reformers would still have a majority of over 300.
The result of the Truro revision has been the addition of several electors in favour of the Reform interest ; which, with the certain dis- missal of the present close corporate body, will insure the return of Mr. Tooke, and probably with a colleague of equally Liberal senti- meats.
Upwards of 560 names have been lidded to the list of voters for Hertford county.—Hertford Reformer.