The revision of the Metropolitan lists of voters has been brought to a close since our last publication. On Saturday, Mr. Tamlyn decided that the claim of Mr. Joseph Parkes to......
At A Meeting Of The Inhabitants Of Lambeth, Held Yesterday,
the parish-officers stated, that the Poor-law Commissioners refused to sanction a contract for maintaining the poor similar to the one now about to expire, as they considered it......
Above We Have Given A Summary Of The Principal Foreign
intel- ligence received during the week. There are, however, other points of greater or less interest, some perhaps merely gossip, which deserve notice; and which we accordingly......
The Middlesex Magistrates Have Had Several Meetings This...
the purpose of conferring music and and dancing licences for the ensuing year. There has been a good deal of unprofitable talk, not worth reporting. On Thursday, a licence was......
The Foundation-stone Of The City Of London New School Was
laid on Thursday, by Lord Brougham, in Honey Lane Market, Cheap- side. The temporary entrance to the site of the intended build- ing was covered in and decorated with flags, and......
Ebe Court.
THE King' went to Kew on Monday, and dined with Lord and Lady Errol. On Tuesday, he was visited by the Dutchess of Gloucester, at Windsor Castle. On Wednesday, he came to town.......