The foundation-stone of the City of London New School was
laid on Thursday, by Lord Brougham, in Honey Lane Market, Cheap- side. The temporary entrance to the site of the intended build- ing was covered in and decorated with flags, and on each side of the square were galleries for the accommodation of spectators. Lord Brougham was cordially cheered by the persons who were outside, and by the assembly within the square. Among those present, were Mr. Grote, Mr. Pattison, Mr. Crawford, Mr. Williams, Sir James Shaw, the Recorder, the Sheriffs, several Aldermen, and Dr. Birkbeck. Lord Brougham disappointed the assembly, who ex- pected a long speech, by merely saying that " He had great satisfac- tion in being present on that interesting occasion : he should always be happy to render his assistance to such a good and charitable object : he trusted the school would be as useful to the City as it was credit- able to those who originated it." Having performed the usual cere- monies, Lord Brougham was about to retire, when Sir Peter Laurie attempted to talk a little; but for some reason unexplained, be does not seem to have obtained a hearing. Lord Brougham repeated what he had said before, and withdrew. In the evening, a dinner was given on the occasion, at the City of London Tavern ; Mr. Hale in the chair. After the usual toasts, the Chairman proposed as a toast, " Lord Brougham, the consistent Patriot and Friend of Education." Lord Brougham spoke in reply for some time ; but his harangue is very briefly reported. He appears to have dwelt principally on the folly of the Londoners in sending their sons to Oxford and Cambridge, instead of London University, for an education. The Lord Mayor was not present at any of these proceedings.
A circumstance whiCh afforded much conversation in different knots of the company, was a report that the Lord Mayor had actually sent a message to the Committee, intimating his determination in person to lay the foundation.stone, and to preside at the dinner. Four of the Committee waited upon his Lordship, and expostulated with him, on the ground that Lord Brougham had already been solicited to officiate, and had consented to attend. This, however, had no effect upon the mind of his civic Lordship ; who declared that if Lord Brougham dared to come there, or touched the stone, lie would give him in charge. He still further pressed his purpose by writing a letter to Lord Brougham on his own responsibility, to inform him that he (the Lord Mayor) was to lay the foundation-stone, and to take the chair at the dinner. The Committee were afraid that Lord Brougham might be inclined to withdraw his promise ; to prevent which, a depu- tation waited upon him for the purpose of rendering an explanation, upon which his lordship adhered to his original intention, and attended accordingly. The Lord Mayor, it was said, had actually ordered out his coach, but he did not use it.—Globe.
Dr. Paris has accepted the Professorship of Materia Medica at King's College, vacant by the resignation of Dr. Bisset Hawkins.
The Lord Mayor elect has offered a premium of ten guineas for the best essay on the Life and Institutions of Offs, King of Merrill.