We have been informed by a correspondent, with regard to
the present value of land in the South Australian colony, that country sections of the first-sold 437 allotments fetch readily from JO to 12 guineas per annum, and town sections from 20 to 25 guineas. One of the latter was sold a'short time since for 40/.—Globe. The University of Basle has been presented by the Society of Antiquaries of Calcutta with several copies of a grammar and vocabu- lary of the Persian language, which contains highly-interesting expla- nations of the rites of the Asiatic and particularly the Indian religions. We observe from the New York papers, that a trial is about to be made in that city of the plan of paving with wood followed in St. Petersburg, and repeatedly recommended by us for adoption in the more retired parts of our own metropolis. A part of the Broadway has been selected for the purpose. " Each of the small blocks of wood is of hexagonal shape; the whole are fitted together and driven up tightly, by a long strip of timber near the gutter at the sides ; and the interstices between the blocks to be well paved with tar or pitch." Mechanics' Magazine.