The session of the States-General of Holland was opened on
the 15th instant, with a Royal speech. In some respects this document will probably be satisfactory to the Dutch King's subjects ; in others there is cause for complaint. Measures are said to be in progress for reducing the cost of the army. The furloughs to the Volunteers and Schuttery have been ex- tended, and " the levy of l 826 are to be sent to their homes." The revenue remitted from the East Indies is on the increase, and all the disturbances there have been suppressed. The manufac- tures, fisheries, and foreign commerce of Holland are thriving ; but the agricultural interest is not prosperous. The general produce of the taxes has answered the Royal expectation, and the esti- mated expenditure is reduced. Thus far all is well; but we do not find a word about relieving the Dutch from payment of the Belgian part of the debt ; and the King says that no opportunity has occurred of arranging the Belgian question conformably to the honour and interest of Holland. So, for some time to come, Hol- land is to suffer to the extent of a large sum per annum, from the obstinacy of its old Monarch. It is said that both the Dutch King and LEOPOLD applied to the Sovereigns at Tinplitz to interfere for the settlement of their quarrel. This is probable enough as regards the former ; but why should LEOPOLD trouble himself? He and his subjects have got all they need care about. Lord PALMERSTON has " pro- tocolled " to some purpose for his protégé—can the Tories, who are so ready with their sneers, say as much for their poor baffled friend, the King of Holland ?