On the 15th instant, another public entertainment was given to
Mr. Chalmers, the Representative of the Forfar district of burghs, in tes- timony of approbation of his public conduct. Upwards of one hun- dred and fifty gentlemen, principally his constituents in Forfar, sat down at half-past four o'clock, in the Town-hall there, to a most sumptuous dinner, provided by Mr. Morrison ; Provost Meffan in the chair. Mr. Chalmers and Mr. Farquhar of Pitscandly, were on the right of the chair, and the Honourable D. G. Hallyburton and Major Swineburn of Marcus, were on the left. I3ailies Louson and Beath, and William Hunter, Esq. were the croupiers.—Caledonian Mercury.
From the state of the registrations in the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk, we believe we may announce with certainty, that the Honour- able Captain Elliot and Mr. Pringle of Clifton will be secure of their return as Representatives for these counties, at the next election.— Scotsman.