Mr. Howley, Chairman of the King's county, has been promoted
to the much more lucrative Chairmanship of Tipperary, which is worth amwards of 10001. per annum. Mr. Acheson Lyle, one of the Irish .Church Commissioners, is to obtain the vacant Chairmanship of the King's county. It is understood that Mr. Dominick Ronayne, the Radical Member for Clonmel, is to have the first county Chairmanship that may become vacant. [The story of Mr. Ronayne's actual appoint- ment, circulated last week,. is therefore premature, if not altogether without foundation.] But the most valuable Irish appointment, with the exception of a Judgeship in the King's Bench, that has fallen into the gift of the present Government, is the Deputy Remembrancership of the Exchequer, which is worth 1,5001. per annum. This lucrative place is, I have learned, to be filled by Mr. Hudson, one of the Irish Corporate Commissioners. Mr. Howley and a Mr. O'Hanlon, of the Irish office in London, were both candidates for the Deputy Re- membrancership ; but Mr. Hudson having paramount influence at Court, is likely to win the prize. Mr. Howley's pretensions were supported by Air. Spring Rice, but he has been compensated by the Chairmanship of Tipperary. I believe Lord Morpeth was the friend of Mr. (Manion ; but it is said that his Lordship has been induced to forego his claim, so that there can scarcely be a doubt that Mr. Hudson will be the than.—Times Correspondent.
Mr. Edward O'Grady, Chairman of Waterford County, died a few -days ago : this puts another judicial appointment at the disposal of Government.
Two meetings were held in Dublin on randay. One took place at the Corn Exchange, to inquire into the most effectual way of checking the multiplied abuses which have crept into the mode of collecting and applotting the Grand Jury cess. The other meeting was held at Mor- rison's Hotel ; Dr. Whitley Stokes in the chair. Its object was to establish a " Labourer's Friend Society," similar to that which exists in London, for promoting small allotments of land to the labouring -classes, and devising other means of improving their condition. The project net with general. approbation. At both meetings committees were appointed to carry their respective objects into effect.