[To the Editor• of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—May I further trespass
on your generosity for• one last word ? Your reviewer inadvertently misrepresents me. The Sacrifice of the Mass appears to me to be emphasized in the new Canon. The doctrine of Purgatorial Progress is certainly implied in the Prayers for the Dead. It appears to be within the authority of the individual diocesan to permit the use of a tabernacle instead of an aumbry. But I did not suggest, nor could I suggest, that Benediction, or even the simpler Service of Devotions, is permissible under the Reservation Rubrics.
Your reviewer draws attention to the fact that the new Prayer Book is approved by " many who profess Broad Church and Liberal Evangelical principles." It is also the fact that it is approved by many who profess and call them- selves Anglo-Catholics.—I am, Sir, &c., 20 Princes Street, Hanover Square, IV. 1. SIDNEY DARK.