One Trapper, Who May Have No Assistant, Will Put Down
as many as twelve dozen traps. The mere number absolutely prevents him fulfilling the regulation that every trap shall be visited within the twelve hours. More than this, he is......
A Changed Haysel.
More than one farmer, engaged in cutting his very thin crop of hay this year, has explicitly rejoiced in its insuffi- ciency ; and the attitude is very significant of the change......
The Evidence Is Less Obvious, But I Think That A
good many other species of the rarer birds, both big and small, are more numerous than they were : Montague Harriers, Hen Harriers, kites, choughs, crossbills, woodlarks, and......
* * Legless Birds.
Nothing is safe. It is recognized as impossible to take a dog for a walk in the country unless it is led or kept strictly to heel. Certainly as large a proportion as a quarter......
* *
There are many stories, from 'Enery 'Omes downwards , of the illiteracy of ostlers ; but no horsey man who ever lived can have much surpassed the Welwyn ostler whose account, of......
Where Hawks Flourish.
It was pleasant to discover in the West of England that in one respect the old " balance of nature " has been restored. Though among mammals especially the so-called vermin have......
Animals In Eclipses.
A good many strange examples are extant of the behaviour of animals during an eclipse of the sun, and it will be worth the while of observers to take special notes next week.......
Country Life
MORE STEEL TRAPS. Since writing some account of the inhuman prevalence of the steel trap in the West of England I have come upon yet more distressing evidence than before of the......