Caravan Holidays
[To the Editorh f 0, t h e SPECTATOR.] Sia,—In your last Travel Notes (I think in April) you asked readers who had caravanned ' . to write concerning their experiences ; hence......
The Balliol Players' Tour [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,-- Perhaps somt of the following information might be of interest to your readers. The Balliol Players (undergrad- uates from Balliol College, Oxford) are starting their......
The Habits Of Water Moccasins [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR,- -The bite of the common water moccasin of our Eastern Virginia ponds and streams is not poisonous to man. The snake is none the less viewed with deep......
Wanted: A Fourth Party
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—What Mr. B. Ifor Evans and others of a similar mind should do—believing in first things first I have no doubt— is to make it possible for......
English Applied Art In Germany
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It is far less widely known than it should be that, owing to the initiative of the Design and Industries Association, and without any......