Navies And Nations. By H. C. Bywater. (constable....
book bears the sub-title A Review of Naval Developments Since the Great War. The burden of Empire defence, the Singapore base, the Washington Con- ference and the Naval Treaty......
China And Foreign Powers. By Sir Frederick Whyte,...
University Press. 2s. 6d. net.)- We have already, in a leading article in our issue of June 11th, drawn our readers' attention to this " historical review " of Chinese foreign......
A Quaker Saint Of Cornwall. By L. V. Hodgkin. (longmans.
10s. 6d.)-The " Quaker Saint " was one Loveday Hambly, " an ancient widdo " well over fifty, of grave and substantial aspect." She was con- verted to Quakerism about the time......
The Bouquet. By G. B: Stein. (chapman And Hall.
6d.)-We have all dreamed of a tour in the vineyards of France, but since we cannot all make such an excursion, it is a good thing for us that it was an accomplished novelist......
The Minorities : Roumanlan Transylvania: Hy Zsombor De...
Richards. 16s.)--Mr. de ' YZ4 • 8 ; who before the transfer of Transylvania to Roumania, r i ag a Transylvanian member of the Hungarian Parliament, l ass written a book which,......
Fish, Fishing And Fishermen. By William Caine. (philip...
Co. 10s. 6d.)-A propos April angling and a West Country spring fly called the Blue-upright, the late , William Caine writes " Yes, I have heard all that before. I have listened......
General Knowledge Questions
(Literature) 1. Whose favourite cat was drowned in a tub of goldfish ? 2. In whose verses were the following celebrated ? Delia, Celia, Stella, Julia. 3. Who are or were the......
A Library List History :-flow Europe Made Peace Without...
By F. H. Simmons. (Heinemann. 21s.)-Germany in Europe. By Augur. (Selwyn and Blount. 2s. (kW-- captain .John Smith. By E. Keble Chattcrton. (The Bodley Head. 12s. 6d.)--Apes and......