Two Archbishops And A Great Victorian St. Thomas Of...
By Sidney Dark. Archbishop Laud. By A. S. Duncan Jones. Thomas Arnold. By R. J. Campbell. Great English Churchmen Series. (Maunillan. (is.) THREE further volumes of the series......
Mediaeval Lyric
The Wandering Scholars. By Helen Waddell, M.A. (Con- stable. 21s.) • - THERE came a time in the history of human development when the first fierce rush of Christianity seemed•......
The Whig Demosthenes
Lord Brougham and the Whig Party. By Arthur Aspinall, M.A., Ph.D. Illustrated by contemporary cartoons. (Manchester University Press. 18s.) ft seems as though we shall still......
Industrial Combination
- -- Industrial Combination in England. By Patrick Fitzgerald. (Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons. 10s. 6d.) • THE modern tendency in industry is more than ever to restrict competition,......